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Thursday, December 27, 2012

What a year.. with the best yet to come.

This has been quite a year, hasn't it? I wanted to thank those of you who sent your kind thoughts and expressed concern around my last post. The boyfriend is doing well, physically anyway. Unfortunately, his recovery has made him restless. I wonder if that is the worst thing, the inability to do the things you want. Even the most basic things. The experience made me wonder about how much longer I have the ability to do what I want.  

In the last few months, I have seen the FSH progress more rapidly in my body. Or at least it feels like that... the same as when you get to the end of a roll of toilet paper. The end seems to come faster than ever.

I am struggling more now. With stairs, chairs, cars, you name it. It feels like parts of my body are clamped with a vice. But I would take that over the parts I can't feel at all. Nothing worse then not being able to will yourself to move.

But on the upside, and there is always an upside, I am happy. This is the time of year we reflect and as I do so, I can only see the support of my friends and family, the beautiful children in my life who remind me of less complicated days and the many outlets of hope and happiness I have discovered.

In the midst of change, I have chosen to take on an advocacy role with my FSH. This is the time where fear has no place. For all those people with FSH like me who have spent time quietly hiding their condition hoping if they didn't say anything no one would notice, I want to let people know of this condition. I want to let people with FSH know there is nothing to be ashamed of. The more mainstream we make this condition, the easier it will be to live with it and more importantly  find a cure.

This leads to the theme of this post, hope and a future without FSH. We are getting closer. This recent partnership between Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and GlaxoSmithKline to develop therapeutics for FSH is a huge step in the right direction. There is no more 'if' for a treatment, now it's 'when'.

I will continue to write in the new year and continue to find new ways to spread the word. I'll keep you posted as this is a journey we share together.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading your posts - if you are willing to share more of your perspective & stories, please contact Friends of FSH Research. Thank you!
