An odd start to a post, but I thought I would float this idea to you for your ... amusement.
I enjoy a good adventure and often feel like one can make their own epic adventure just by having a good chat with a friend, losing yourself in a book or those 'zen moments' where it is just you and your imagination.
I also get a real kick out of psychics and their visions of the future.
Before you roll your eyes and stop reading, hear me out.
I am not one of those people who would change my life because of what a fortune teller said. I value it more for fun more than anything else. I admit, there is something about someone, particularly a stranger who might be more perceptive then the average person, to tell you something positive about your life. Perhaps saying the right thing at the right moment gives hope when a person needs it most.
It is a dangerous thing though, so not for the easily influenced or faint of heart. But I wanted to share my experience.
I didn't visit my first psychic until five years ago, around the time when I was going through the adoption process, at a cross roads with my career and at the end of a long term relationship. There was a lot going on in my life and I was so curious to hear what this lady, a cuban woman who grew up in the Middle East, saw in the bitter coffee grounds left over after I choked down a few sips of her awful concoction.
She told me vivid stories about seeing me climbing a steep mountain to get to a house at the top. She said I would struggle to get to the top and I would want to give up but I would meet a man with a moustache who would help me finish this journey.
I never met this man, or know of this house, but it is parked in my memory for the future.
She told me I would get the promotion I was up for but then I would lose it very quickly, but my salary would be better. I thought that was odd, but true to form, I got the promotion, was laid off a few months later, got a new position in the same company at more money.
As with all 'visionaries', and I have seen a psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer, they tell me the same thing with my health: I will always have health issues and it is a source of frustration for me, (and sadness for my family) but I was stronger than anyone imagined and I would live a long and happy life. The last two I met, said that through natural healing and yoga, I would see a major improvement until a cure was to be found which would be in a few years.
I had already started yoga and natural medicines, and a few months after that reading, researchers had a few FSH breakthroughs. I was pretty shocked since I had resided to the fact that there was no cure.
They all told me I would never have trouble with work and would always have money. But I would never be rich since I would use all my money on my health and my loneliness. Boy, is that true! It's expensive to have a disability.
And, kids. As I mentioned, I had just started the adoption process. The psychic had a fit when I asked her if I was going to have kids. She said there was no way I was going to have children, not even through adoption. But she said she saw a beautiful child with curly hair who would be my life.
What? That is what I dreamed my daughter would have, bouncy curly hair. I figured she didn't know what she was talking about. But, she insisted that if I would ever be a mother, it would be by marrying someone with a child. (The clairvoyant and astrologer said the same thing, they saw me with kids, but not biologically my own.)
Well, I just ignored them and threw myself into the adoption and being a mom. I was so determined, how could it not happen?
But she was right and as you know from previous posts, the adoption didn't go through. I guess there are some things that are predestined.
The curly haired child? It took my a couple of years to realize it was my nephew, the love of my life.
And as for marrying a man with a child? Funny thing about my new boyfriend ....
But the most interesting thing they all said was that I am supposed to be doing more than what I am doing. That I am holding myself back from something important. They were so adamant about it, but couldn't tell me anything more about it.
I have yet to find out what that is, but I am looking forward to that journey of discovery.