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Saturday, April 7, 2012

The "Whys"

You've read my posts about my nephew and my new niece, they joys of my life.

The first three years of my nephew's life have been amazing for me. I wish my condition didn't progress while he ages, but it is. I am able to do less and less with him. With my niece, I am doing even less. But I have enjoyed everything I have been able to do with them, and continue to try and create unique experiences for them that remind them of fun times with their auntie.

My nephew seems to be getting smarter and more active at a much higher rate than his years would indicate. I think I have mentioned he can knock me over with one of his tackles. At three years old, he plays hockey, lacrosse, baseball, gymnastics and he skates and swims. He has boundless energy and an amazing spirit.

He also has a soft soul and knows when things aren't quite right. In the last year, as my leg and core muscles have weakened more and more, we can't rough-house the way he likes. I can't carry him and I can't sit on the floor and play with him. I would say, 'we have to be gentle because auntie's muscles are broken.' He tries to be careful, but I sure hate spoiling his fun.

Now that he is becoming more articulate and perceptive, he asks, 'Why? Why are your muscles broken?' Every adult knows kids are full of 'whys'. Why this, why that... how do I tell a three old why my muscles are broken and why I can't fix it? Why I need a cane. Or why I need a wheelchair. I guess it is everyone's instinct to want to protect a child from the cruel lessons of life.

But I am hoping if I can explain my story in a way he will understand, it might make him more compassionate and considerate of people who are different than he is. Hopefully, it will make him understand we all have special skills and when God may take one thing, he gives you something else and it's important for all of us to try to find that something else. Not just in other people, but in ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miss Steep I have been following you for about three months now from the most Northern Scottish town, Thurso I loved this latest blog entry as am going through more or less the same thing with Little Inquistive People! My Neice who is now 5 coming on 19 has an understanding that only little people can understand. She asked so Uncle Martin you see that step I can get up and down why do you need an aid! (honesty is the best policy) so I said well my legs don't work as well as yours, which she replies Mmmm thats OK but remember if you need a hand you know where I am!! God Bless My Niece but the Nephew is a diffrent kettle of fish LOL Keep up the great work Martin x
